

Cel mai greu îmi este noaptea... Când nu am pe nimeni lângă mine în pat. Ziua mă arăt veselă, dar seara parcă nu mai suport nimic. De-abia adorm. Și nu vreau pe cineva în pat pentru a simți "plăcere", cum ai crede, vreau un om pe care sa îl simt acolo, care sa ma sărute pe frunte pana adorm...

Chiar inteleg asta, si eu imi doresc asta, ba chiar prea mult.. cred ca d aia nu vine ??

Latest answers from ROBERT

How do I handle the fact my girlfriend doesn’t like affection and she said it grosses her out. Why she like this?

There are people like that, idk the answer..

Men aren’t stupid, don’t underestimate them. They choose to be stupid, because it makes their lives easier if they pretend to be stupid and not understand, so they can get others to do things for them, it’s laziness. I call it weaponised incompetence. “Being dumb” is a skill.

The problem is that they use it at work.. And makes others work to cover their sht.. Yas, you are right..

If socialism doesn’t work, why are capitalist countries so scared of small countries that adopt it?

Step out of an vicious cercle

What do you think of cheating?

Idk, this is not for everyone..🤣🤣
Is not like i can t.. but i just don t want to😅 Anyway, looks like cheaters tend to get marryed anyway, and keep their fam. While the loyal ones, looks like they are loosing it.

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