
Vera Lee

Ask @RobynOtakuCanard

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if you wrestled a boy that was 5'3 97 pounds, would you win?

I have this rule where I never fight back. So I wouldn't win unless he wasn't strong enough to take me down.

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

... I'd peirce my body up, dye my hair other pastel purple or fully bleach and shave part of it off, I'd dress more grungy and do my makeup the way I wanna

Dance party:)

come over my place got house to myself for a night, we could do acid and have our own dance party in my living room,don't talk to my unicorn though he's mean.

Acid is good

take 3 a day, place them on my tongue and life becomes a dance party,I hear colors and see sounds.

Causin ya own shit my dear

No what's causing shit is you not being able to block me or unfollow me. What's causing shit is you asking me questions and what's causing shit is you telling me how to live life. Bye.

Every other thing you complains about has to do with this app, just fuckin delete it. Its pretty simple

The apps I complain about are Snapchat, oovoo, Messenger and kik because that's were my root of my bullying is, but deleting all social media will only seclude me from the world even more making me more and more lonely, sorry not happening.

Delete this app, you wont get so much shit said to ya bhy

Dude it was face to face in school today, deleting this app won't do nothing about that, lol.

Grow up oh my god

I'll grow up when my birthday comes on August 25th sorry I can't rush that day. Why should I grow up? Shit hurts expecially when it's constant and then one day it gets to you, oh I'm so sorry for having a few mental illnesses please go talk it out with my doctor if it bothers you so much or join the party and tell me to die, only way I'll stop being this way.


Language: English