
Nick Reineke

You wake up to discover that YouTube is permanently shut down, effective immediately. What do?

After the panic attack I'd probably start streaming daily on Twitch while sending out emails to everyone I know looking for a press position of some kind.

Latest answers from Nick Reineke

How do you cope with being away from your partner? My partner started full time classes and also works full time opposite of myself and finding time inbetween to actually be together has been difficult and has started to feel like we're worlds away from eachother at times.

We try to set aside a specific day every week to spend time. Despite that it's still very tough. Mentally I try to keep myself occupied and not dwell too long on it. Having time to look forward to spending together helps the days go by faster. I just keep my head down and push forward as much as I can.

This is a strange question, but do you have family in Ireland? My lecturer in Dublin looks and sounds very much like an older version of you, complete with the dry humour.

Nah, was just a coincidence. Maybe some day I'll be fortunate enough to get to move there though! I'm actually missing Dublin a lot right now.

Hey Nek, what chair do you use? Looks comfy and in the market for one :P

Nah, you don't want this chair. It's really hot and kinda uncomfortable tbh. I have a $100 pad on it and it still feels hard sometimes. I'd like another one eventually.

What happens when we die?

The same thing that happens before we were born. We don't exist equally in both situations.

I'm considering subscribing to the HBO now service, would you say that the its worth the price of admission?

Andrija Jovanovic
I just signed up to use the free month. I plan to unsubscribe afterward. We'll see if they can convince me in the time they have me.

Hey Nick, what's that sidebar/dock you use?

Object Dock. It's pretty solid. I've used it for years now.

I found the "Enable Your Account for Monetisation" in the Youtube settings of my empty account. I wanna try it just for fun. Should I click agree on everything? There's a lot of reading involved and I don't care for boring documents that can potentially fuck my entire life over.

Fastcar Nascar
I wouldn't bother enabling monetization until you're getting something like 1,000 views a day at least. At that point there's a chance you'll make a few dollars each month. Anything less will just potentially drive away viewers which could kill your chances to make money before they even start. When you consider that a single view might be worth 1/100 of a cent or less it hopefully changes your outlook.
You should also familiarize yourself with YouTube ToS and copyright rules before you open yourself up to trouble in signing that contract. The attitude of "it's a lot of words I'll just not read it" is not a good one to have. Take the time to read contracts you agree to!

Has vision impairment ever impacted you in a way that seemed impossible to get over? Trying to figure out somethings this year and struggling to do so (new monitor, socialising, etc.) and its affecting me negatively. Also, how long have you had glasses?

My glasses are actually a relatively minor prescription that I only started wearing about 5-6 years ago. I just have a bit of trouble with distance vision. Around 2009 or so I noticed while I was at work that I couldn't easily make out the faces of customers on the other side of the store anymore. Eventually I got to the eye doctor and got my glasses.

What is your most treasured possession?

Aside from my computer because I need it for pretty much everything I do - I would say the amazing coat that I bought with my girlfriend Lin while I was visiting her in Ireland. It makes me feel really good to have a little bit of that memory that I can have physically on me.
We went to a ton of different stores to find the perfect one and actually the best one was the first one I tried on that afternoon. It's a reminder that it's not about the destination but the journey. We spent a bunch of that day running around and almost accomplished nothing but I still had a fantastic time and happy memory of the day because we were together.

Language: English