
Rouaa OS

ليه الآدمي يحب ! ؟

Jalawi Bin Saud
People don't want to be alone. The way that we bond and feel like we are more than just a solitary creature is through love. When we love, it is not just our heart and mind that occupies our body, it is also the heart and mind of another person.
t's what makes life worth it.
When I say I love some thing, I believe I am mentally, establishing a commitment and a loyalty to this thing. There is something about it that justifies my desire to want to be "attached" to or to love it. :)
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ملك انا لو تصبحين حبيبتي اغزو مراكبا وخيولا قولي حبك كي تزيد وسامتي فبغير حبكي لا اسير جميلا

ألان قوليها ولا تترددي بعض الهوى
لا يقبل التأجيلا
سأغير التقويم لو أحببتني
أمحو فصول أو أضيف فصولا
وسينتهي العصر القديم على يدي

life is too short for...???

To save up so much money which you probably will not spend.
To study all the time.
To worry everyday .
To not finish up that book you always wanted to.
To not buy that expensive thing you always wanted.
To let your past take control of your present.
For other people’s words to hurt you!

Language: English