
Rouaa OS

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What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Oddest thing I ate was turtle.  I don't remember what it tasted like, :s :s

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Do you like to read English books , and if so what kinds of books you prefer ?

Yeah I love english books
I read novels and poteries and stories even movies :)

Loora what's your favorite part of the day?!!

Between 10pm and 1am. It's when everyone else in the house is asleep and I can relax without having people talk to me excessively. Lool
Getting up in the morning when things are quiet, about 5 a.m see the sunrise :)

Do u let love go away easily ?

Letting go of someone you love is never easy. The truth of it is, once any bond is made it's hard to break that bond. Just like welding, when two things are bonded together, to get them apart something has to be broken.
but unexpectedly. Unfortunately, love can be taken away just as quick. So u can't do anything about it :(

Well Death is Certain but Life is not :) 5la9 ye9er Ana weyaki will embrace the journey of finding the Fountain of Youth :P Loora do you make yourself stuck in the past or you keep pushing forward?!!

Oh thankz hassan for supporting me :)
One of the greatest mistakes everyone makes is - they are attempting to change their income, their position, their business - their attempting to change something outside of themselves - without changing what is going on inside. And you know what? It's never going to happen.
Emerson said: - "Of what use to make heroic vows of amendment if the same Law Breaker is going to keep them".
How many times you hear people say I am going to change that....I'm never going to do that again but they don't change their Self Image and 10,20,30 year from now they keep doing it - because they never changed their Self Image.
For me I will move on no matter what because life is unfair sometimes :)
So u should move on and learn from our mistake

Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

I would like to be in the elevator with one of my inspirations so they have no other choice but to talk to me.
I have lot of questions loool

Do you think Aging is a competitive issue?!! Or you think that you are every age as long as your heart lavish of youth!!

No not at all
I don't conseder my self about aging
I live my life no matter my age is
Even if I stuck the 50 I will do what ever I want :)
Don't care about the age :)

Holla Loora :D What do you fear the most?!!

Hey hassan long time :)
I'm afraid of life in general cause you never know where your gonna end up,what's gonna happen to you and will you be able to get through it. Well i'm just scared of life. :s

I can't live alone Roua'a ... I have to love and be loved ... being successful is a great thing but living happy is even greater .... I need friends and loved ones to go on .. don't you think ... Loyalty is needed in here cuz I need them <3 if I fail or fall !!

Yeah sure but let them the last
Don't acount on them :)
Maybe they will let u down
No body knows :)

Tell me sugar ... what's Loyalty ? <<< tell me in your own way <3 :)

What you want to do is more important than what someone else wants you to do. Don't let other people dictate your life, you need to take 100% control now of your life and not worry about the little things such as friends (those come latter). You need to get out of your comfort zone,
Sth u do it from ur heart do not care about others

You should be in Wikipedia under the definition of "A Great Soul" <3 . you are a treasure I LIKE you ... I really do ... one in a Million <3 :)

Oh 3adel ur embaressing me with those word really :$
Iam so happy to hear that from you
Thankx walla its my plessure :*

Someday You Inshallah Will be someone great ... I can see it in your answers <3 ... Loved the Trust answer BTW <3 ... <3 awesomeness <3

Oh 3adel iiam glad that u like it :)
Thnkx wallla men tho8ak
Ur really nice boy :)
And enshalla I will be :)

What is Trust ?

In practice, trust is a bit of both. I trust you because I have experienced your trustworthiness and because I have faith in human nature.
We feel trust. Emotions associated with trust include companionship, friendship, love, agreement, relaxation, comfort.
So learn about trust, how it works and how to build it. If you do it well, other people will give you the earth. If you betray them, they will hunt you to the ends of the earth.
(This how trust in my opinion )


Language: English