
Rouaa OS

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Fav person : Fav car : Fav mall : Fav drink : Fav Fruit : Fav city : Fav Animal : Fav singer : Fav color

hmm nice p zee
fav person : my 9odfa , little bro <3
fav car : bentli or swift
fav mall : city mall & dubai mall & meccah mall & el mmlakh & panorama :)
fv fruit : strawberry & mango & blue berry
fav city : jordan & dubai & lebanon <3
fav animals : i hate animals :S
fav singer: rashed <3 & taylor swift
fav colour : pink & purpule

If you killed someone what would you do????

maybi i will bend on my knees and start craying :( :(

You can choose your method of dying and the place in which you will die. Where would you like to die and how? << mswya 4eba ;p

yeah wallah ma fkrt wain abi amot el 9ra7a y3ni hatha el shy yji faj2h
bs i think the best place beza tower :P
lool to jump from up to down :P <<< joking tra

ليه اذا شرينا كيس خبز .. نشقه من النص مانفتحه من فتحته ؟ O_o

Hann1992’s Profile PhotoHaneen A. Gh
walla madri ymken 3shan we r lazy people :)

دوم يارب يلا الله يوفقك وطمنيني ع اختباراتك :*

enshalla i will u 2 /:*

thank yew <3 !! ur picture (YY) mashallaah .. allah y7f'6ik inshallah ;* !!

7abebeti thnkx 3yonek el 7elwa :* :*

if you wake up from a REALLY scary dream in the middle of the night, do you go right back to sleep or do you stay up for a bit because you're scared?‎‎

actually i stay up for a while drink some water wash my face
then come back to bed :)

اهلين فيك ^^ والله من زما ماذخلت اختبارات وكذا وقلت دامني ذخلت خليني اسلم عليك دوووووووووووووووووم يارب انا بخير دامك بخير

teslam walla\
ana okay
ana b3d 3ndi med yalla lahha y3een

What's something that can always make you feel better?‎

and drink a cup of tea
and doingsome yoga :)

لديك 4 رسائل لمن توجهها ؟ .. الاولى رسالة عتب , الثانية رسالة شوق , الثالثة رسالة أعتذار , الرابعه رسالة شكر ؟؟

Hann1992’s Profile PhotoHaneen A. Gh
1 to my friend
2 to my 9odfa
3 to my mum
4 to my DR :)

ايش يعنيلك سبونج بوب طيب ؟؟؟؟

Sam A. Al-babtain
lol spong bob
ensan marra ahbal o falah
t7esah 3ayesh 7yath mara lol
ahm shy yswi el bra9ah ma yhmah a7d
,mara t3jbni sh59ytah


Language: English