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What would be your PERFECT day?

taking a drive on a warm summer day, windows down, favorite music blasting, driving the curvy country roads and breathing in fresh clean air. getting a little me-time in.
Liked by: Rana. Aziz Bh.95

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why do u think it`s easy 2C other`s faults...while it`s hard 2C our`s...???

It’s easy to find other’s faults because it is always a simpler thing to admit to the faults of others than to our own. It’s an easy thing to gaze across a faceless sea of humanity and place blame for the sins and misdeeds and quite another to stare at that face in the mirror and admit that it is just as guilty of those same crimes when given the chance. None of us, of any color or time, is perfect and we can only hope to treat each person with such dignity and respect as each deserves when the time arises. :)

what would u say 2someone who said 2u..."I HATE U"...!!!

choose your words wisely. because what you say determines what you might hear. and what you might hear might make you wish you have chosen your words more carefully, and wish you had better judgement before you decided to say them. :)

"he who laughs last, laughs best" but doesn't that make Those who laugh last think slowest?

Saud ALF
It depends on why you're laughing last. Did you kill everyone else? Then yes, you're definitely laughing best. Are you laughing last because you didn't get the joke and simply want to fit in. Um, no, you're not laughing best. OK, this is completely tongue in cheek

لولا الوفـا مـااحـتاجـت الـنـاس لـنـاس.. ولـولا الـمـواقـف مـا عـرفـنـا بـعـضـنا

ماكل عين تذرف الدمع بأحزان.
وماكل من يضحك يعش بسعاده.
كم واحد دمعه على الخد هتان.
من زود همه يذرف الدمع عاده.
يحاول أنه يبتسم قدر الامكان.
ويضحك ونار الحزن تحرق فؤاده.

why do burnett's hate blondes & the other way around...??? xD

i personally don't hate people because of the color of their hair. but i think that this kind of racism, as you put it, is based on jealousy because blondes are considered, in a very generalizatng opinion, easier and more fun whereas brunettes are considered more seriouse. plus being a blonde is a sign of high fertility and men are more drawn to blondes for reproduction, this is ofcourse subconsciouse and as such is an animal instinct, for preservation of the species. but yes this kind of hate does exist but not all people actually think that way, thank god!!!

a moment u hated urself the most...& why...???

I’ve learned to never be embarrassed. Whats the point? I tend to just laugh instead in these moments because generally they are pretty damn funny if you can remove yourself from the situation and look at it.
One time I was playing football with a friend at school & i hate playing football i said let me try lol so there was a large group of people hanging around by where we were playing. Well I went out for a pass and was looking for the ball and welll not looking where I was running. Yea I ran fun sprint into a bench flipped over it and face planted into concrete. So laying on the ground seeing stars I had two options, be embarrassed about what just happened to me in front of so many people or just laugh about how funny it had to have looked from their POV. I choose to laugh =D

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? try to say it fast at least 3 times :D

looooool iam suck at thess stuff x_X
Liked by: SM

what do u think would be the perfect age for humans...& why z that...???

I think the perfect age can change according to feelings. But as we think out of the feelings, 25-35 ages are the best to me. Because in these ages, we can be more energetic, more lively, more beautiful, more handsome, younger and not mature as old, mature as young. This means, we can think these ages as a transition from youthful to maturity and old age. & your not too old or too young. also you have seen enough in the world. maybe you have two or three kids in that age or life style. you do know whats bad and good. :) !!

goals that were never achieved and the many disappo...

Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many people call you, and it's not about who you've dated, are dating, or haven't dated at all. it isn't about who you kissed, what sport you play, or which guy or girl likes you. Its not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, its not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn't about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and its not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn't about that. But life is about who you love. and who you hurt. It's about how you feel about yourself. It's about trust, happiness, and compassion. It's about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love one else's in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise,,,,,,,

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Liked by: SM ` a.f.s


Language: English