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من لم يسَتطع ان يحَب بصَدق ليسَ مجبرآ ان​​​​​​ يتصدق بمشاعره ليسَعد قَلبآ اليوم و ليحزنھ غدآ ..؟

(y) klam 9a7ee7
Liked by: Salem

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( http://ask.fm/Rouaa/answer/166360973 )<<<...u know that i`m absolutely gonna ask about this... xD WTH happened...??? O_o

lol malgoof :p :p
because knt da5la ente5abat o feh votes lazem 3shan a9er amthl koleyti
fa fe to guyes 9aro ythawashon men ybi yswi vote kan a5er person so >>>> 9ar 6a5 w ketha w '6arb x_x
o feh nas ra7o hospitals0 9arat vaz3at f 6aro 2 days ygfloha
Liked by: Awate الزعيم

What's ur likes & dislikes about men ?

Like and dislikes for men:
Likes - responsible, sweet, thoughtful, caring and faithful
Dislikes - demanding, irresponsible, taking women for granted, insensitive and unfaithfulness.
Liked by: Faisal Aziz

do u rly believe that music could have that effect about lifting ur spirits when ur feeling blue or down...& what do u usually lsn2 n this kinda moments...???

yeah for sure iam with it !!!
i listen to untitled simple plan
secondhand secondary good bye

once a wise man said..." A man's face is his autobiography...A woman's face is her work of fiction "...what do u think of that...???

That may be the case, but damn we love that fiction. I, for one, am not a fan of the time it takes for women to get ready, but of course, I am a huge fan of the final product. :) Keep doin’ your thing, ladies. We love it. :)
Liked by: y3ni anny hana

from ur point of view...z there any common/s between "sadness & joy" rather than the tears...???

I think they are the emblem of emotion, which can be both happy and sad. Then again, I'm the biggest softie going
Liked by: y3ni anny

sumthin u`ll never do again...& why...???

Cut my hair super short. Yes, it looks cute for awhile, but the upkeep is not worth it. I am not the type to get my hair cut every six weeks, which is what is required to keep from looking like Ponyo. I always regret it and then it takes me two years to grow it out to ponytail length, which is how I like to wear my hair anyway :D

Do u think that JUSTIN BIEBER IS GAY ?? ( i got the answer )

Wether people like him or not, its none of our business what sexuality he is..
And if he is gay, there's nothing wrong with that.
You shouldn't use "He's gay" as an insult, its homophobia in its most common form
And all this "of course he's gay he has a high voice" or "he has gay hair" or "He looks gay", is ridiculous. You are simply stating&spreading homophobic stereotypes, its childish.
To your Question: I don't Know, but i agree people are harsh on him. Granted I'm not a fan & i really hate his music, but the whole "eurgh justin beiber is so gay" thing really irritates me
Liked by: Bh.95

"If u`r not a part of the solution,then u`r a part of the problem"...what do u think of that...???

If you are not part of the solution, then it is not necessarily true you are part of the problem. People can be neutral and helping to solve the problem by coming up with a solution :)

if u had the chance 2sing at a "KARAOKE" bar...what song will u choose...???

i woud choose pitbull rain over me <3

can we judge the characters of a person...by just lookin 2his friends...???

yeah sure ,,,,,If you want to judge the character of
a person quickly, start by
looking at the close friends he or she hangs out
If you are hanging out with the “wrong
crowd”, think about whether or not your time
could be better spent with other people or on
more productive activities.

Hang out with the losers enough, and you
will end up as a loser too. Don’t be surprised
if you wake up one day and find out you are
exactly like your close friends!
Liked by: Mejo riyof almojel~


Language: English