
Rouaa OS

Ask @Rouaa

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LOL so i guess the proper question when dont you blush :p..... why do you hate competition?

Oh enl7as m5iii sorry :s :s
“Not because I cannot compete - I do pretty fine myself. I don't even hate competition - I hate nothing. I simply find all competitions absolutely unneeded. All those "competitions" are much ruining the lives, minds, souls and good normal psychologic...
Liked by: 3bdullah

lol am i that lazy:( lol...i play soccer twice a week and go to the GYM 4 times a week we tgoleen lazy :p

Yeah bec fe b3'6 el nas
They slept 13 hours loooool =D
Liked by: Nawaf

hatha wana ma wl3t al2bjorh lesa :p....mnwrh bwjodek :D....what makes you blush ?:D LOL

Loooool ya alllah =D
Hmm what make me blush
everything. i blush alot.
like when something happens unexpectedly.
when i laugh.
when i'm complimented.
if see someone i recognize but haven't seen in a while...
embarrased. caught off guard. stressed. etc. etc. etc. Loool
Liked by: 7mooD

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hey anonymous :D.............what did you do for the last 5 hours you have been awake :p.... t9dgen...97eet rayg!...made my breakfast:D..juice...hubble bubble...teapot ...everything is ready...now i am setting to eat drink smoke and relax:D

Loooool yeah 6ab3n twak 9a7i
Lazem tkon mrwg
Walla nth woke up drink my turkish coffee <3
Go out to have some things to the house u know :p
Then go to resturant to have brekfast
Then come back home smoke my hubble bubble and relaxc :D
Lazy lazy my anonymous =D
Liked by: Jalawi Bin Saud

لنفرض مثلاً أنك في الطائرة وهي الآن محلقة في الاجواء وجالس بينك وبين النافذة مقعد شاغر هل تبدل مكانك لتذهب إلى النافذة ام تطلب وتستأذن من المضيفة إن كان بالامكان تبديل المقعد!؟

La 3adi aro7 ll mkan mob lazem anadi el mo'6efah :)

If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

Saud ALF
Learning from our mistakes doesn't just mean we'll be one step closer to perfect. As a human being, we have fear inside of us for various reasons. One of it is making mistakes.
Now, there are many reasons why we're afraid to make mistakes. But fearing only means we try our best not to repeat the mistakes we've done, yet there are also possibilities that we might do it all over again.
It's all in the head, really. Sometimes we need to make countless mistakes to remind ourselves as much as we can and it will eventually become an automatic reminder that would stop us from making mistakes.
Make sense? LOL.

Would you want to be famous? For what?

mohammad85’s Profile PhotoMo7ammad☀
Everyone is saying yes but i'm happy with being a normal person and not famous. I mean sure it would seem fun at first but the constant pressure to do well, no privacy, the lies in the media, the grueling hours you work, harsh criticism would be too much for me. Not everyone can be famous and i'm fine with that :)

What’s the best part of growing older?

Mohammed Mg
Knowing that everything is temporary, including life itself, so we better enjoy it while it lasts and not panic about problems that will go away anyway!
Live, let live and love! Hope you get there as I did. Some old people grow old so badly but if you're lucky, it will be the best part of your life. :)
Liked by: Abdullah

lol dr. if u r tired sleep dont wait for me.. its 5:30 now...i will wait for a bit before i sleep....:D how tired are you?

Naah its ok
Iam not tierd look
Iam like a horse :D looool
We make a deal ;)
Liked by: sara.s.m

tying to stay awake waiting for your answers lol....setting on my living room and doing nothing but browsing ask.fm and refreshing my answers page:p....what makes you dont want to sleep?

Walla me 2
Y3ni i'm talking to you
When you fall a sleep just tell me
But be careful to sleep on the screen looool

she is great lol i miss her.... you know she doesn't sleep till she phones me :$ ....i would put the pic but ppl advice me not to...lol ... i will try to be creative on how to show u

Loool allah y7meha ya rab o y7f'6ha
Yeah don't put it here
Lool enshallla :D
So what are u doing right now !


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