
Rouaa OS

Ask @Rouaa

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LOL.. ha4a min 6eeebik ya Dr. bas U really did get a chance and U blew it off !!

Nop I don't blew anything off
Even chances
So you are wrong MR :D
Liked by: Wema

hahaha.. show off !!! keaf !! think before U write !! if i wanted to show off i would've let U know who am I otherwise showing off would be worthless !!

Yeah ur are !!!
I'm telling you to stay and you said bye
I'm telling you ensahlla u will stay in ask you said you've got ur chance !!!
Liked by: Wema

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first of all how can tell that she is a female ?? and U had your chances before and U didnt take an advantage of it !!

Don't know 7set enha female
Who said that :(
Bl 3aks :(
La t7a6em

well I've asked someone a question and i'll close my page after he or she answers it.. just hope they take more time than expected !!

M9r ya3ni :(
I hope she didint see the q :p
To keep you here in ask :$
Liked by: MAJED

first of all its a waste of time o ba3dain arya7.. ^

Yeah for sure it a waste of time
But when there is nth to do
Yslek shway
F don't close it plz :(
Keep it !!

I told u that u aren't as helpful !! i meant to say that people have been using my ask page in an inappropriate ways !!

Oh my anonymous is back <3
Yeah I know even my page
But its ok don't give them any attention or sth
Y3ni you souldnt close ur page bec of them !!

I know that its mean but good to hear that... ;p O like i said always look at the bright side.. Im deactivating My account and i'll never exist

You are so mean :(
Why ur deactivating ur account :(
Stay </3
I love ur q <3

I couldnt sleep so i think i'll ask you a Q If u were a guy and you caught your sister in a car with a random guy. What would u do to each one of them.. If i like ur answer.. I might tell you whats mine ;)

Hmm if I saw them first of all I will take a deep breath
Then I go straight to the car
And pull my sister over the car without saying anything
Then I drive to home
And ask her who is that from where do u know him what is his name what dose he do ,,,,, etc
When she till me the whole story i would tell her to give me his num
I called him and figure out what is the point is he serious ,player ,,,, if he is a serious I would said to him to come and purpose
For sure I won't tell my parents anything about what happened ;)
Liked by: Dhmii Albishi

And when i asked u about the most thing u hate. I wanted a diiferent answers Hint: i hate liers, i get pissed and annoyed when people ignore me !!

Lool yeah I thought just one answer
I hate cats , lairs , hypocrites , show off people (n)
Liked by: Ask what you want

I assume ur heart was broken.. Sorry to hear that but look at the bright side It will not get broken again ;)

Yeah :(
Life goes on anonymous :)
What is your name btw :p

What is the most thing u hate ? or what is the worst feelin ? Skip a week for the second Q

I hate cats :s
The worst felling
When somebody break ur heart and walk away without say nth </3

Aha.. What if u were a guy and a girl told u that she likes you and she wants to take you out on a date, she does know ur family as well What would u do ? FYI You dont know the girl

Hmm wallla if I don't her nah
But ymkn I will think about it
Ask about her
And if I found her ok
I will go out with her

Last question before deactivating my account.. What would u do if a man who knows U and ur family told u that he like U and he would love to take you out on a date ?? P.S i falling asleep So hurry up. ;)

Why dectivating ur acoount :(
Stay I love ur q
Hmm I will accept if he knows my family f for sure he would be a good and sweet person
So hell yeah I will go out with him :$

Female's emotion and jealousy do have a huge effect on their behavior! Why? Can their monthly period be an excuse ??

Hell yeah :D
Bec the women had a lot of feelings than the men do
So it affect so much
And the monthly period has a part for sure
It makes a bad mood with feeling and talks and attitude :)
Liked by: JEE Dr.Fahad


Language: English