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what small things other could do 2u...that would rly means a lot 4u...???

hmm when they pick me up to do my own stuff <3

ايش آخر كلمة سمعتيها من { امك - ابوك - اخوك - اختك - الشغالة..)ا؟؟

mum : talk to you tom
dad : take care of yourself
bro : wain knti ray7a :p
sis : ash ajblek m3ay
el sh'3alah : none
Liked by: devva

now,i know that`s gonna sound extremely weird *& i would understand if u don`t answer*...but,have u ever thought about "DEATH"...??? tell us about ur thoughts...*if u don`t mind*...!!!

ALL the time I think about it and look forward to it, I will meet God, that's surely something to look forward to.

And, every night I experience death .... .and every morning I experience life ..... if you know what I mean :-).
Liked by: Nug6a .

ur best & worst n..."2011"...& what ru looking for n "2012"...???

the best
Getting to know certain people that I really care about now. Also, realising what I want to do and lastly unburdening myself of something painful
the worst
hmm knowing some people shouldn't know , drop 1 smester from college
looking for 2012
hmm enshalla it will be a better year for me & to all muslims <3

"10" things ur sorry for...others ur thankful for...*beside ur family & friends* if u don`t mind...!!! :)

I'm sorry for being so hateful
unintelligent, childish, selfish, passive-aggressive, unfaithful, hopeless, careless,
I'm sorry for not caring when I said I did
I'm sorry for throwing away the wonderful life you offered.
I'm so sorry for the way that I spoke,
I am so sorry that I was not there for you,
I am sorry that I didn't support you and understand how you felt .
I am thankful for
Going to college
Living in many places
Meeting my favorite singer <3
Being a nice person <3
Knowing when to quit
Being able to laugh
Good health <3
The kindness of strangers: I love it when someone I don't know smiles at me or says or does something nice, just because.
The hard times: Because they've made me stronger and wiser, and the good times even better.
Having a good memory
Being sensitive :)

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n some how...i can understand why do ppl lie 2each others...!!! but,what i cannot understand z...why do we sometimes lie 2ourselves...???

well,,,,why do we lie to others, if not for the same reason as to ourselves? We are only human beings that for some reason usually tend to try and search out for the truth, but sometimes the truth isn't to our liking. Other times the truth is subjective and we must decide what to believe. However, most of time-though there are endless amounts of reasons-I feel that we lie to ourselves most frequently because we are trying to let go of something to enable us to move on. To rid ourselves of the thoughts we feel imprison ourselves so much so that we can't move on and live without grief or guilt. It is not right, yet, it is not wrong. :)
Liked by: Shouqa. 3.M.A

which sounds more right 2u...that "there`s a beginning 4every ending" or "there`s an ending 4every beginning"...& why z that...???

Every Ending Is A New Beginning
Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning.
If you don't ever remember anything else in your life, remember this, NEVER GIVE UP. Life is what you make it, and even though circumstances may cause you to believe that an end is near, one must believe and keep a positive mindset knowing that a new beginning is actually taking place. When one door is closing in your life, one must believe that God is closing this door in order to open up more doors for him or her in the future.

Though it may seem as though you are down on your luck, and as if life is throwing too challenging of circumstances at you, you must be willing to go toe to toe with them until something happens. Never give up, there are no endings, there are only new beginnings, the only thing in life that can stop you is yourself. :)

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honestly,do ur page here at "sak"...reflects u...as u n real life...???

yeah i think so
im honest with my answers and its says all about my real life
but except kinda stuff :p
Liked by: Bader☆ HFC

Tell me 5 facts about ur childhood?

Mohammed Mg
I used to think the darkness of night was caused by clouds !!!

I used to believe that the only music that existed was the music that played on TV/Radio. x_x
I used to think that my birthday used to change every year, X_X
Sonic (Sega) and Super Mario (Nintendo) were my favourite games :p
I was a leader amongst my friends :D
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