

Ask @RowntreeF

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¿Qué harías ahora mismo si Internet no existiera?

Yo creo que tendría muchos, muchos pero muchos hijos.
(Chuck, te salvaste.)
Liked by: Chuck.

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Si tuvieras que perder un sentido, ¿cuál sería?

He perdido hasta la dignidad, como que ya no me importa si pierdo otra cosa más.
Tal cual.

¿Qué palabras o frases utilizas con demasiada frecuencia?

Ah por qué.
Tengo sueño.
Tengo hambre y sueño.
Quiero matar gente.
Quiero mi cama.
Pa qué pos.
Oye, no.
Le why.
Por qué nací.
Me acabo de dar cuenta que soy más dramático de lo que pensaba.
Liked by: Ka(y)tie.

❥ ❝ 0008. ❞

"His voice came back, curiously flat: "No. But it's okay." She stifled an urge to keep asking, to keep picking around the edges of the thing. The thing was there, they knew what it was, picking at it was only going to frighten Danny more ... and herself. Jack had lost his mind. They had sat together on Danny's cot as the storm began to pick up clout and meanness around eight o'clock this morning and had listened to him downstairs, bellowing and stumbling from one place to another. Most of it had seemed to come from the ballroom. Jack singing tuneless bits of song, Jack holding up one side of an argument, Jack screaming loudly at one point, freezing both of their faces as they stared into one another's eyes. Finally they had heard him stumbling back across the lobby, and Wendy thought she had heard a loud banging noise, as if he had fallen down or pushed a door violently open. Since eightthirty or so — three and a half hours now — there had been only silence."

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Language: English