
Rui D'alva

Ask @Ruid27

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Do you like parties with 12 people or parties with 60?

That's like asking would you rather have £1.2 million or £6 million 🙄 cmon mayte
Liked by: jamestudor.1

Do you ever dream of winning a lottery? What would you do with your millions?

By an island build my dream house with wifi in it, and ghost 👻🖕🏽
Liked by: elliottclark

You can't sleep around when your 20, that's when we should be settling down, not now whilst we're young. I think we fuck about, do what ever we want whilst we can. Look back at these years of being with our mates and messing around with laughter not regret because we wasted them. Who agrees🏼✌🏼️

Disagree, when you are 20 that's when life really begins cause you have more freedom so maybe when you are 25 then that's when you should settle down, because you will be finishing uni, if not already working and have your own house and a car/motorbike so that's when you will be set to settle down with someone ✌🏽️

Would you be happy without money?

It's like asking if I a boy would be happy if he didn't have a dick😑😂
Liked by: mylinh


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