
Ryan Miller

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dont think its my favourite i just know the whole 2 min of it iff by heart

True what is you favourite then

favourite modavational quote ?

Right now probably
"For every level there's another devil"
I bet yours is Rocky's one

you will miss 100% of the shots you DONT take, so go out enjoy life, try new things and don't let anyone get in the way of your dreams :) have a good day <3

Wins and losses come a dime or dozen

Someone once said the graveyard is the richest place on earth, all because people were afraid to take that first step, towards that dream or that idea No one ever said it will be easy. Dont give up, Its always to early to quit, It always will seem impossible until it is done You can do it! Good luck

I don't believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire but faith leaps over it.

As soon as you tell yourself you can do it, I will do it ! Then no one can stop you, no one will bring you down ! The biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself theres an old saying that says, if there is no enemy within, then the enemys from the oustside cannot do us no harm. You can do it :)

That old saying is an old African proverb

There will never be a point in time in your life where its the right time to do a great thing, if your waiting for that perfect perfect moment, that perfect timing is not going to happen.You no what u have to do, you have to create the perfect time & the perfect opportunity and the perfect situation

I got a simple simple simple question for you, here's the question. Do you believe that one day your not gonna live in a world that was given to you, that's right but you are going to actually live in a world that you dream of

Work hard for what u want because it won't come 2 u without a fight.U need 2 be strong & courageous & no that u can do anything u put ur mind 2. If somebody puts u down or criticizes u, just keep on believing in urself & turn it into something positive.Because if u belive in urself ur halfway there☺

For every level there is a devil

When lifes misery knocks you down try and land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up !! Have a good day ☺

You said it wrong but thank you


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