

Ever had a ghost experience

Yeah one, it was weird..a couple years ago I went to visit my Granada's grave, and It was pouring with rain, and I started crying and when I started crying the sun came out, and this light of the sun was pointing at me if that makes sense?:s and when I stopped crying it started raining again, not a ghost experience as such but it was creepy:L

Latest answers from Ry

I know you're broken hearted but Ryan Gray you listen to me now! I have someone sobbing her eyes out because of you and I will not stand for it!

No you listen to me. There is only so much one person can fucking take before they explode. That girl that is 'Sobbing her eyes out' because of me has completely wrecked my head. So what I should feel bad for FINALLY moving on?! Considering a few days after she split up with me she told me she was already fucking someone else?! Nah nah, get to fuck.

What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

The truth, even if it hurts. If someone lies to you about something and you found out it hurts 10 times more than it would do if they just came clean and told you

Well me is about the size of a square and eminem realised a song called square dance and eminem is illuminati so there for I am a frog

Banter xD

Haha dude you weren't expecting a decent question off me were you?

I dunno who me is, but I wasn't expecting decent questions anyway hahahah xD

If you were a pizza what flavor would you be?

That has to be the most stupid question I have ever gotten on here :')
I don't even know how to answer that. :')

Language: English