

Ask @SONExoticsINA

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Do you love seohan ?

I love Seohyun and I do love Luhan so much, I love them very much, but not as a couple:) -via

I love kris and seo is my bias so I want her with kris , but then suho got in the map but then kai does ummm I can't decide , so ... Seoexo is my thing :)

Ouh, that's cute:) yes, you can do ship any idols:) -via

Just asking, so do you ship exoshidae? Can I know which pairing(s)? If possible, I want to know from all of the admins XD

Hahaha, yes, I do ship exoshidae, I only ship KrisSicaㅋㅋㅋ~ and as far as I know, I only know admin sha's favorite couple, it is BaekYeon ^^
Note : please don't make it serious, this is only for fun, please no fanwar, thank you :) -via

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What is the world's best song to dance to?

for me, for SNSD's songs are ITNW, IGAB, The Boys, Genie, Gee, and Baby Baby :) -via

What is the main reason you follow RM until today ?

Actually, I never watch RM. I just watch RM when my biases appear there as a guest star :) -via

do u know where i can buy snsd's album in indonesia??

You can buy some of their albums in some good cd stores in Indonesia, like DiscTarra :) -sha

is it true that kris has a gf?

Hmm, I don't think so. Don't believe that kind of rumor easily unless SM itself has confirmed it :) -sha

amongst all yer admins, who is da friendliest???

Wah, I don't know. I'm sure that all of the admins here are friendly^^ -sha

Cn u describe da new admines???

Kyla and El are my unnies. Kyla is pretty and cute. She's very friendly ><
El is very pretty >< I think she is quite tall and she's friendly, too.
Jenni is my dongsaeng. She's cute and nice. >< She's a bit busy right now. She's friendly:) -via

Hi! I'm planning an EXO fanfiction at the moment and I need your opinion. Out of the 12 of them (excluding Kyung Soo), who do you think should be the main character?

Because of my biases are Luhan and Xiumin, so I choose them to be the main characters ㅋㅋㅋ~ if you ask me to choose one, I'll choose Luhan. That's from me :D -via

who r da new admins?????can u post der pics??

First is Kyla. She's from Brunei. And then, El from Malaysia. The last is Jenni from Indonesia. All of the new admins are a girl.
I'll share their selca next time ^^

what's ur hobby?

Me? Personally my hobbies are singing, dancing, listening to the music, reading a book, and swimming :) -Min R

SNSD mau ke indonesia ya min september nanti? katanya exo jg mau ke indonesia tgl 24 februari 2014 nanti. Bener ngga ya?

SNSD confirmed tanggal 14 Sept di MEIS, Ancol, kalau tentang EXO World Tour itu masih rumor aja, so keep calm yaa, kita tunggu sampai diconfirm SM :) -Min R
Liked by: Femmy

Kata temen-temen aku, exo kambek itu akhir maret ya min? Bener?

Kalo kata rumor yang beredar itu akhir Maret, tapi ada yang bilang juga pas 3 April mereka bakal ngerilis album mereka. So, let's wait for it ^^

Language: English