
Saeed Atef

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Latest answers from Saeed Atef

Wie viele Fragen hast du ignoriert..... wow-wow-wow! ?

Ich vermute, du kannst die Frage besser beantworten als ich. 👀

Do you think it's okay for girls to masturbate just as much as guys?

If I say yes, I will be deemed a pervert with weird misconceptions.
If I say no, I will be a sexist alleged of denying women their rights.
Being a diplomat, I would say 'whatever humps your camel'...

What is the first thing that you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

I don't know, man, whenever I go into someone's home for the first time, they just start screaming really loudly, I mean, do you have any form of manners goddamnit, it's 4 in the night..

You make me laugh so much i fear my teeth eill break and fall

Its probably old age, and not my jokes.

Dude you are too funny that I forgot to laugh

Sometimes I am so intelligent that I forget to pass so its cool.

Language: English