
Sahal Tariq

Ask @SahalTariq

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Man y u no understand ? Illuminatis are not the Jews, they are more likely disguised as Jews !! they are the satan worshippers atleast Jews Believe in a Book the Torah (I m talking about the real Jews) but the illuminatis believe in Power, money, Control, blackmail, treason, Deceit and ....

maanafarooqi’s Profile PhotoMaana Farooqi
getting wat ur saying... by jews i mean citizens of Israel... ur confusing me now... true jews r jews, the rest of them illuminati... ill put it like that... plain n simple...
Liked by: Frazay Akbar

Dude dont mix up jews with Illuminatis !! they are totally different Makhlooks !! Hitler got paid by the Americans to kill the Jews so that they could claim a separate state for Jews (Israhell) and Invade the Holy Land of Palestine ! because this is from where the Antichrist will rule in his times .

maanafarooqi’s Profile PhotoMaana Farooqi
im not going into illuminati crap... all i know is jews r leading the illuminati shit... Israel is what u can call papa of america..

Ok so what proof do you have that Jews are illuminati? No one knows who they are. Secondly you didn't respond to the last part about killing us later? And you liked him killing them because if who they are? They were innocent people. That's like saying I like that 1000s of Muslims die everyday.

Frazay Akbar
illuminati own the globe,, n dats most of the jews... im not saying all jews r illuminati, jst that most are... IDK whether he was gona attack on us... cuz the guy was clearly against the UN... n we were no part of it... an innocent death is worth moaning over. but in war casualties happen on both sides... you cant say that german pple wernt dieing... sure they werent being attacked like by guns at first... but starving to death is harsher than dieing by a bullet... IM JST SAYING... I LIKED THE WAY THAT GUY STOOD UP TO THE WORLD TO PROTECT... nothing else... Alexander is another one of my favs... for wat he did... Muhammad bin Qasim is another one... these pple had spine... n i admire them for that

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There were others ways of protecting your country. You know that he killed Jews just because he could? He was over his head he thought no one was better than him, and that his race was the only kind that deserved to live? Did you also know that after eliminating Jews he was going to kill Muslims?

Frazay Akbar
as for protecting his country... i doubt he could do anything else... i mean look at iraq and afghanistan... they had to fight or be over run by UN... so he had to fight... i like him killing jews cuz of them being JEWS, illuminati pple... i dont admire him for his plans... jst that he had the spine to stand up to the world for what he thought was his keep to protect...

Why hitler? :o

Frazay Akbar
well he stood up for his country ... i guy that smart knew he would be blamed globally later, but still did it for his pple... n well he did leave a mark on jews, americans and just about all UN...

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

the list is quite big... but yea... id start with starting ma own business... ford mustang fastback for sure...
Liked by: Frazay Akbar


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