
Salah Hassan

What are your thoughts on Sonil,Safah,Yusuf,Omar

Sonil- My afghan brother, gay twat at times LOOOOOL, determines me when we have to be ( Exams and shit ) fully qualified terrorist obviously :D and a fake sheikh ;), overall top guy much love for him<3 !
Safah- Osama Bin Laden resurrected :O :O :O, He's a top guy, still confused whether he's iraqi or algerian tho XD Much love<3 lalala
Yusuf- aka 'Fieeeeeeel' My brother jheeeze, topppppp guyyyy :D We roll together innni ;) Trustworthy&Honest. Without his camera our crew would've been fucked 5alas :D. elephants are grey and grey is a dull colour XD Nuff love for my brother<3 !
Omar- Fuckin' mallama3. He's joookeeeezzz XD My dutch brother ini :D He cares about 1 thing: His Hair :O XD Goin' to the same uni, INSHALLAH!!! Overall maddddd guyyy :D. btw his nr. 1 Idol is Dr. Ghali :O LOOOOL. bahibab ya hmar<3 !
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Another question, do you love pizza? If you do what is your favourite toppings to put on it? 😂😂💖

Who doesn’t like pizza😂 Meat feast is always good

What kind of toothbrush do you use for brushing your teeth? How carefully do you choose it?

😂😂😂the OCD in me buys the same toothbrush each time

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