
Saloni Pandit

Ask @SaloniPandit

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I love your hair. I love your smile. I love you. I'm sorry I'm too shy to say this in person, and I hope you'll forgive me if you ever figure out who I am, but I needed to tell you somehow. Your existence makes the world beautiful to me. You make the world spin. You are everything to me. #admirer

Sure thing retard. How many girls did you send this message to? :/

Queen when ever i stalk ur profile i just get mad i dont know i think its love... I love u please angel for once be mine i wont let u down i will always spread happiness around u u will be my queen just give me one chance i will love u endlessly please if yes then i will remove the tick 😚😙😙

As sweet as you sound stranger, forgive me but by all means you are still a stranger. I appreciate all your love but really,this isn't happening. Please.

Views on me 😁😁

We have known each other for hardly any time and yet I know we could be great partners in crime. I guess we have a lot in common apart from the fact that I don't love women :P I hope we become better friends in the coming year and remember how it started from here. You are sweeter than apple pie, and trust me dude it is not a lie;)
And not to forget your amazing physique, which exists because you are such a gym freak. Okay now I'm running out of words that rhyme, thank you for giving me your precious time. This poem is kind of kiddish I know, just get the feelings I am trying to show.
(Okay. Bye. This was just a try. Please don't send me hates for this. Sorry if I got anyone pissed. Thank you. 🙈)

True story?

A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.
Her mum came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: my sweetie, could you give your mum one of your two apples?
The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other.
The mum felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment.
Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mum,and said: mummy, here you are. This is the sweeter one.
No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay judgement. ALWAYS give others the privelege to explain themselves. What you see may NOT be the reality. NEVER conclude for others. In today's world where people are so judgemental, I think this story teaches a great lesson to us.

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10 facts about yourself!

Aditi Desai
1) I love singing
2) I love my family ( some people only)
3) I love my friends (very much. Like VERY much)
4) I hate two faced people. Absolutely. Totally.
5) I love to travel and all those adventure activities.
6) Living with my best friend, buying my own flat and Paris Hilton like wardrobe is my dream😍 not to forget a villa by the beach .
7) I reciprocate what I get. Love for love. Hate for hate. Simple and sorted.
8) I'm a total foodie. I wonder why am I not like a hippo yet ?
9) I really really want to contribute my bit for social activities and invest my money to help someone who really needs it ❤ (One of the reasons why I want to earn as fuck )
10) The only reason anyone would possibly hate me is because they are jealous. (And the one's who are, are probably thinking of hate messages to send . With no guts in their ass to untick . But then, who cares about haters when you have so many people to love you ?)
That's me. 😀

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Like = Marvel Character. Have always seen you as Jean Grey ❤ The sexiest & most powerful mutant ever. You being most beautiful & prettiest, madam, no character would've suited you more. Your voice ❤ You already have real life powers of persuasion :D How about control over almost anything? :') Love❤

OH MY GOD❤. So many compliments in just one answer? 😊 You always leave me speechless with your flattery answers babe ! Why so cute ? :*


Language: English