
Samantha Martinez

Ask @Sambamsam200

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If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

21 cuz I'm not old, but I'm old enough for certain things.

Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?

Idk which is the strangest so you pick.
When someone touches my face.
When someone smacks/Chews with their mouth open.
When someone yells at me while I sleep.
When someone has dog/cat hair on them.
When someone is bitching all the time.
And finally Periods.
the end.


Samantha Martinez
Ok so I went to the mall today and usually I go into Hot Topic, Spencer's, Andy Owings Music store, and some shoe store. But my sister wanted to go into Clair's so being the best sister ever I went with her, I hate Clair's so much but I went in and saw a small section of 5sos merch and was like "Holy shit. This is now my favorite store." That was the story of when I actually bought something from Clair's.
Liked by: C.A.L.M. ✌


Language: English