
Sam Russell

How would you like to go on a date then after go bak to my place where we will punch Spanish orphans together As well as touch the dirty catapillars pancreas?

Oooooohhhhhh. Sounds Spadgetastic!

Latest answers from Sam Russell

I like ducks, do you like ducks?

What? I actually got a question from someone other than Ask Fm?... It's been so long, I don't know how to respond any more... I get back to you in a couple of years or so.

How to stay safe online?

That's not a question. It's a statement with a question mark at the end.

Weak link?? But Willis is still there isn't he?!

Not Fabes. He's the weakest link in... A different way.

How successful has it been working in Zealot Games this year?

Well, we got rid of our weak link. If you know what I mean. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.

Language: English