
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Do you ever give names to inanimate objects, such as computers, other electronic devices, etc? If you do, could you give an example?

I think I've only given a pet name to one such thing in my life. It's my oldest and most beloved stuffed animal. It's a ray(like the fish) called "The Ray" or "Ray-y" ("Rockan" in Swedish.). He looks sort-of like the one in the picture but fatter.
Outside of that I don't really give names to things. My computer is called Gizmo but it's not like I refer to it as "Gizmo", it's just my computer.
Liked by: NIEW Akuzeru

You heard what was going on on Ukraine?

Yeah, it was quite horrible. Low shot by Russia just waltzing in and taking over Crimea. On the other hand it seemed like alot of the Crimean people already considered themselves to be pretty much Russian but governed by Ukraine so for that part I guess it worked out for them. Also good going for the general Ukrainean people of overthrowing a corrupt douchebag leader. Much approved.

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Excuse me, I'm just a caveman.I do not even know when you have a birthday.:((

That's not really strange though, I guess most of my friends don't even know my birthday by heart P:

hey hi(^ ^), today I learned their assessments on exam , to be honest I am very glad that I was able to finish school , but on the other hand all the same , and in a bad mood today.I hope your day went well today?:)

That's no good! You should be happy you finished school! My day is good, pretty much like any other day to be honest~ Workday ends in 1h-ish so all is well!

You add friends who you know? ( sorry for my english, 9 years I have taught German, pancake :(()

Yeah, I add all of my friends on facebook :) And your English is miles better than my Russian! (I can say hvost though :D) So keep up the good work!

Do you have a photo of your city (^^)?

No, sorry D: I'm really bad at taking random pictures actually! Need to get better so I can do better updates for my cosplay page on facebook 8D

give me your autograph :) ?

Don't really know how but if you ever came to Sweden I could do that :)

I'm Terakava, I'm from Russia, I am your servant 8D

Nice to meet you! Not really looking to aquire more servants right now! Thank you for the offer though 8D

Would you communicate with someone from Russia?

I can't see why I wouldn't. Unfortiunately the general experience I've had with Russians has been pretty negative. But I would hold it against everyone from the country. If I spoke to nice and polite russians I think it would be enjoyable :)

What would you refuse to do for a million dollars?

Probably too many things to count. But generally hurting people. If the person doesn't have it comming already. Like if someone told me "Hey, you get a million dollars if you go ham and beat the crap out of this Neo Nazi scum. No reprecussions." hell yeah I'd do it. But you get the general idea about not hurting innocent living beings. Also, I'd never hurt anyone emotionally, cause them scars dig deep.

Is it ethical to eat meat?

As it is now, not really. But scientists are researching growing meat in a controlled environment without harming animals. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

What's your workout routine?

It really depends from day to day and weather I'm in a good workout mood or not. Generally I just go with functional workouts even though I'm at the gym. Different types of push ups, crunches, and just dumbells for working arms and squats. I generally dislike using machines for anything and prefere using my own weight when I lift.
And I pretty much always warm up with jump rope for 10-15 minutes, either that or crosstrainer/trackband.
But most of all I prefere martial arts above all kinds of gym workout. If everything goes according to plan I'll pick up Muay Thai again this autumn! :)


Language: English