
Sara Ellyssa

sis , my mum say if nak pakai tudung pakai tudung terus ! dont wear to show your good . wear sincerely !

My mum didnt say anything. She says Alhamdullilah when I wear it. Tell your mum thank you. So when I wear your mum thinks its not sincerely? Your mum knows me so well masha Allah :) thanks fot the concern, mak cik!! Have a blessed day!! Tell ur mum keep me in her dua that I will don the hijab permanently. As u cannot see, I am taking baby steps. Dont judge or assume my niat. Shukran jazeelan.

Latest answers from Sara Ellyssa

I wanna follow you on instagram but i feel like you'll judge me for wearing makeup and girl clothes as a guy

Why would I? And even if others were to judge you, so what? Live your own life, be happy :)

“ Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - a quote for those who recieve my question ?❤

Victoria ❤
Thankyou for the positive quote ??❤

How’s your day today.? If you had a tough day, don’t give up.. keep moving forward ! Don’t lose faith in yourself.. ☺️ every struggle have a happy ending in the end.. ? even if it take year.. just don’t give up..

Alhamdullilah today was fun :') But tiring for sure.. Thank you for the positivity! <3

Language: English