

Ask @Sara_Roulston

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how many people are you talking to and who

Breanne coburn, derek stroud, kyle hodgkins, Danni hill, dannie burch, jordon Britt, taylor black and moe virk.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

phone, iPad, Sebastian, my bed, make up,

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

no idea because it's pretty easy for people to turn their backs on you so just because you pick them doesn't mean they're going to be there for you to talk to them.

You're so beautiful sara it's insane. i see you after my classes because i need to pass your locker to get to mine and no matter what any bitches or ass holes say about you. Just know you are loved. because im here and i always will be.

thank you it means a lot

are you and Seb okay ?

yeah we're working threw everything and I'm going to make it up to him. but eventually we should be good. he knows I'm sincerely sorry and I've explained everything to him. I know how badly I fucked up and that's why I really want to make it up to him because he deserves it. that's also why I admitted to what I did. most
people don't when that happens but two days later I told him and I cried to him when I was telling him. biggest mistake of my life and I'm honesty a fuck up but I'm going to do everything I can to fix it.


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