

Ask @SarahCatie

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If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you'd be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world


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If I were a stop light, I'd turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.

gosh. .. stop it you...
do you just have a supply of these? ;)

If a thousand painters worked for a thousand years, they could not create a work of art as beautiful as you

I can't even day how happy this made me. thank you oh so much. Come off anonymous? :') ♥

Don't pay attention to those losers, they'll never understand what you've gone through Sarah. Just ignore them and keep your head held high above theirs <3

Ian Wagner
that meant a lot. thank you Ian <3

Omg you are so adorable! Thank you so much for even using your time to send me that :) means alot! Stay beautiful doll xo

awh I love you goshh.

how are you? (:

not great. I have been struggling with some serious problems as of late and my depression has come back with a vengeance. I miss talking to people on ask. all of my friends have seemed to disappeared. I think I frightened them off.
gosh I just need a hug.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

sadly, I've had to believe that. to much have happened for it all to be just a coincidence.

She's only looking out for you there are some weird people out there, I feel like its hard to talk to you on here :( just wanna have a normal conversation :(

yeah I understand. it still sucks :(

Awww :) what a lovely sis, did you buy anything nice out shopping? I need to go clothes shopping :( have no decent clothes anymore and to buy some stuff off of my checklist cause I'm so well organised :)

haha Yeah :) I bought a pretty polka dot skirt :)

My day has been pretty ok pretty normal :) work Xbox the usual stuff wubu2?

I drove my brother to baseball practice and hung out with a friend and went shopping and such. :)

Good! And awww :) what are you eating? And I'm just getting changed and gonna relax, might play some zombies on the old Xbox :p

tacos :) and ooooo getting changed? Haha

Hey just got in from work thought I'd check and see how're you're doing :)?

I'm alright. just having dinner with a friend. what are you doing? :)♥


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