
† Sarah †

Ask @SarahTimm

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what do u think of gays .?

I think that people judge gays much too fast. People think it's weird because you love someone from the same sex but its love.. and that's the only thing that matters. If you love someone then it doesn't matter if that person is from the same sex. You fall in love with someone, not with the gender. so I think should stop making so much difference between them and gays. Gays are normal just like us. so people shouldn't judge gays. When I see gays walking hand in hand on the street, I think it's cute,.. you can literally see how much they love each other. I really respect gays more than everything. "The world doesn't accept gays ,Their parents doesn't accept it, gays shouldn't get married, gays shouldn't adopt children,…" That's the only thing they hear around them. But who know if they won't be good parents? no-one knows. I'm sure they would love their child just like normal parents and I think gay-marriage should be legalized. Gay people are awesome. They have their own personality and their own point of view on the world. so if you're gay, then you're gay, don't change for anybody. Just be yourself :)

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Geloof dat je dat er een reden is voor alles wat er gebeurt?

ja je ontmoet mensen met een reden. Oo kal hebben ze weinig goeds in je leven gedaan. er moet altijd een reden zijn.

Hoe zou je het liefst je verjaardag vieren?

met mensen die ik graag zie en op een plaats waar ik graag ben. maar de mensen om me heen zijn belangrijker. mensen waar ik van hou :)

Where is the worst place you could get stuck?

an elevator.. if you need to pee or to poop you can't , there's no toilet... if you are hungry , there's no food.
want me to die. put me in an elevator
Liked by: Jensael

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

yes some people can make me smile. even if I'm sad. that's why I love those people.
Liked by: Jensael


Language: English