
Sarah Zahra

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Say something about elenia ..

Something ? Ha nibda :) .. she's like the cutest and prettiest girl ever . I love ever thing about her .. i keep her so close to me and try to never loose her cause after all the mistakes I made and after all the times i hurt her she was still there for me to help me in my every little to big problem.. her family is my family, and my family is hers .. competing against each other?yeah why not but we never let those little things come between us :D we've been trough a lot together and i don't regret any second i spent with her .. i treasure every thing i wen through with her .. One thing i hate about elenia, to sleep she fuckin don't leave a space for me its all about her, and her but being on the bed and me ending up on the floor haha .. But besides i can't live with out her and times like now when you're passing through a hard time i wouldn't know what i would have done if it wasn't for her :D And she's a gorgeous girl :D We where always there for each other and to support each other as well..what can i say .. in a few words i love her to bits and i don't know what i do with out her :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Gili rajtu lil sarah bla make up JAQQQQ kemm tkun kera VRA HADDD MHU PERFET Aalmenuhu Mhux sarah il perfeta u jekk ma tipostjahix sinjal li bezzeja

Propjament le ma nibzax nuri min jien bla make-up hanijni .. Qat smajtni nghid kem jin helwa jew perfet .. Dik jin bhali issa bla make up ax nigi al bib zobbi xtahseb int u jekk ma jogbokx tharisx .. Nahseb int xi perfet/perfeta uwx ? Haha ma nahsibx uwx :(Jekk trid tghidli kerha ghidli fwicci mu ha twaqani asolutament xjn hazin sabiha ;) Il verita twega imma lgideb iktr ta ;) U jekk jien kerha fuck it ekk batni alla .. Minniex bi hibni ninbidel la alik u lanqas al hadd ma tanc nixtiq inpaxi nies ruhi .. Issa jekk jogbok sib lil xi hadd iehor biex tkellem ax mandiex pjacir bikk faggo .. Trult please fuck pff and leave me alone .. Ma nqumx kul filodu as sodisfazjoni tieghek baaa bye :)

Ijaa mann xiz zopp ? saraa ehhee raqdet bit tanga .. bil hotpents .. bil braa .. u anke erwinaa .. u ehee ovja meta jigik l ewwel drbaa ovja li ticcapas LOOLL ! iqfuu jaqqq hahaa :S ee u ohraaa le hii dikk ma taraxx pornn min hu shun al allaa jara porn -_-

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOl fqajt lsotja .. int crii zgur haha :P hahah DEAD :(
Liked by: Donna Vella ❤️

qabnneiiiii :') 4 snien ilu konna inkunu flimkien tiftakar ?haha kem nimisjom dawk il grantek il memorjii li ana flimkien :(! tinsix lil manuuellll ! haha karatru tal gen u isek puppa :')! tinbdel al lebda alla ! insoma qalbi ikolok bzonn jiena awn qeda alik tkun trid aqbat u eja chat love youu xxx

mirhea ツx
HAHAH mir xi zmien qed isemi :( sacoooooooooooooo </3 Niftakar man u nghid qahbec kem jinbidel iz zmien o:! Tinsiex matching tattoos ee <3 Thank you loved one same goes for you :' )xxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: mirhea ツx


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