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gledla sm video in anja izjavi: Ej Sara, ka si ga lahk dam u usta?
hahahahahah R.I.P. sara xD
*zastopite kok hočte..

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Long ago there was a Prince of Wales. His name was Llewellyn. He had a dog called Gelert. One day, when Llewellyn and Gelert were hunting in the forest, the prince stopped. 'Look, Gelert,' he said. 'There's a deer standing near that small hut.' Then he took his bow and arrows and he shot the deer. As he picked up the deer to take it home, Llewellyn heard Gelert barking horribly. He looked round. There was an old woman standing behind him. She lived in the forest and people said that she was a witch. 'You've killed my deep' she said angrily. 'You're happy now, Lleweryn, but you will die a sad and lonely man.' Suddenly, a cold wind started blowing and the old woman disappaerd.
Llewellyn soon forgot the old woman's words, and a few years later, his life became even happier when his wife had a beautiful baby. Every night Gelert used to sleep by the fire and guard the baby's cradle. Llewellyn knew that his son was safe with the old dog there. One night, however, he suddenly woke up when he heard someone screaming furiously. He jumped out of bed. By the light of the fire, he saw his son laying next to the cradle. The cradle was upside down and there was blood driping from Gelert's mouth. ''What have you done to my son? '' Llewellyn shouted. He grabbed his sword and killed the old dog. Then Llewellyn heard the baby crying-he was alive! He picked up the cradle and he saw something larg and grey laying on the floor. It was a dead wolf. ''Oh, Gelert, my dear old friend,'' cried Llewellyn. Suddenly, the prince felt a cold wind blowing in his face and he heard the old woman screaming at him again. From that night, Llewellyn never smiled again. He died, as the old woman said, a sad and lonely man.
sad story:'c

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Liked by: TimKamenik(✔)

Ker mi ta slika ni vsec.Konj NI lutka za preizkusanje licil.Tako cisto btw.Videti da tega ne ves.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH made my day. videti je da ti ne veš da js nimam konja alneki:$ amm lej nič ni narobe z njo vrjetn če ji je lastnik/-ca dala enkrt šminko ogr? lol. pol neb bla za ljudi ane :'D
go and buy brains for yourself..then fuck your self

ulala,kdo je pa hunger games gledu a?:D

deeej js sm obsedena sz tem filmom:o ej ni ure da nebi pomisla na kak trenutek,kakšno osebo al karkol iz tega filma omfg..js tok komi čakam letos decembr da pride 3.del vn pa isto 3.del hobbita.. pa narnio morjo še 4.del nekak nardit:D pa pirate 5...itd :D
Liked by: TimKamenik(✔)


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