
Alex Edward

Ask @Scateboy345

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Do you think that the Justin who Paola is talking could fall in love with her?

I don't know. I guess no, well that's what they both keep saying but honestly no one knows the future, so maybe he can or maybe she can.
I wouldn't be surprise if that happens, maybe she is not the most beautiful girl in the world but there's something about her that just makes you feel adicted to her. She listens and supports you, also she forgives you doesn't matter what you did, she forgives you. When you have her around it's amazing but when you lose her, fuck! It fucking hurts like hell.
That kind of girls are able to make any person to fall in love with them

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Some girl is annoying her calling Justin Bieber as the same way she calls hin.

Hahaha don't annoy her with that thing. It will sound weird but it's important to her to call him like that.
Liked by: Purple Ninja♛

Paola is a jealousy girl??

Well, she that's a thing that she won't ever admit, but yes she is. And believe me, when she admits that she is jealous, it's the cutest thing ever!! She really cares.
Btw, why are you asking?
Liked by: Purple Ninja♛


You're broken. And you have to know that whatever you're thinking to fix your pain, it's not the answer. You are beautiful and you shine more than anyone else. You've got that thing that makes everyone fall in love with you. That's why nobody see your pain, because even when you are broken you look so perfect and people just admire that beauty of you. You are nothing else but a princess. Don't do anything of the things that you are thinking. Show everyone, show us, your strength. But more important, show yourself that you can do this. Now you are broken, but you won't know who you're going to be if you give up.

Are you and your ex together in ny?

No, she came to jb's concert but yesterday we played a little of pokemon go

Why you cheated on paola ?

For wanting something that she couldn't give me, but I was so fucking dumb

Do you still love her ?

Who? Paola? I will always love her. She got that thing that it's just impossible for you to forget about her.

Yeah alex, i always believe in things thats are fake. I guess that that's why i believed in us. I won't do this thing on here. It's over. I'm done.

Paobieber10’s Profile PhotoPurple Ninja♛
It's not over.


Language: English