
Sea Bass

i know you don't follow random IG accounts which is why i asked who's do you like or find nice? i go to ish and i don't know who to follow, do you recommend any nice ones?

I just follow based on people I know, so there's people from my university, some ish people, etc. So I guess just ask for people's instagram or post your own somewhere and follow back people who follow you, that's all I did really...

Latest answers from Sea Bass

What two animals should breed and make a new animal?

My ex and a monkey, creating possibly the most stupid creature on the face of the earth.

If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?

None. A broken relationship is broken for a reason. Moving on with life is the best thing you can do.

What's the craziest thing you've done for someone you love?

Given everything I've had. To be left with nothing after the relationship. Only the person was to blind to see everything I did, shame. Life's hard as a fish.

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