

Ask @Sebiera1

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It's KashikaSK. Btw I don't write novels..some articlesand stuff..but I don't publish them. So you won't find anything on my profile on wattpad xD

Oh! Thanks xx

Oh hey sure I surely will read it! And all the best for writing <3

Thank you..😀 It means a lot. Currently there are 6 poems. What is your wattapad usernames?

Where did you meet your best friend?

In school. Her name is siddhi. She's in another section. But we got to spend a lot of time together while doing work. As o am the head girl and she is the asst. head girl. We have become besties now!!

What can you do that others can't do?

I can keep everyone happy at the same time keeping my interests intact. Yes, I can do it quite perfectly. And for everyone around me that's a difficult job!

Describe what a good friend means to you?

He/she must be truthful, loyal and helpful. But other qualities do matter too. But, I always accept my friends even if they don't have those qualities in them. I like to give people many chances till it becomes intolerable. And then.... I guess, once broken, friendship is hard to be mended.

Do you think dogs are really man's best friend?

Oh! Yes they totally are. I have a best friend in my choco lab Bingo. I can tell him anything I want to and he'll just listen without judging me on any count. They are great listeners. I can just sit with him and feel happy.

Language: English