
Segie and Beans

Latest answers from Segie and Beans


being too busy to rp/keep up with ships and talk to internet friends because I miss that stuff but I just have no free time anymore
and never saying how I really feel until its too late

who in your otp (christmas edition): Who bails the other out of mall jail for telling kids Santa isn’t real? Who holds the mistletoe over the both of their heads? Who sets up the christmas lights and who holds the ladder? Who wraps presents horribly and has to get help from the other?

1 - Riot
2 - Riot
3 - Either way
4 - Mori, Riot
1 - Icarus
2 - Jerome
3 - Icarus, Jerome
4 - Icarus
Archon and Yami
1 - Neither
2 - Either
3 - Either
4 - Yami
Archon and Yami are so similar to each other xD
these are fun hehe

beans and their ships ? o v o

havent been using beans or characters lately
Jerome x Icarus : Icarome
Monte x AJ : Snapple
Riot x Moriarty : Moriot
Archon x Yami : idk

Language: English