
Serena Patricia Watson

Ask @SerenasNotPerfectOk

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cause if u dont go back with him i want u...

That doesn't mean you need to know why I won't take him back.

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

-Andrew Garfield
-James Marsters
-Stan Lee
-Joss Whedon
-Nathon Fillion

What's your favorite movie scene?

Aunt May: Why are you so dirty ?
Peter: I was ... uhhh ... cleaning the chimney!
Aunt May: We don't have a chimney...
Peter: Whaaaaaaaaaaat?
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2
I love it so much
Liked by: Maddie

You know, my great uncle once caught a pikachu, named him Fluttershy and then sold him to a Hooker for a blowjob. When she was done she shouted "GREP!" and shoved him out of her Tie Fighter. He died entering the atmosphere of planet Vulcan and crushed 3 black infants upon impact. I mean, YOLO right?

Yeah you told me that story before xD


Language: English