
Suad .B

Ask @Sewzii

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If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

b8oola Look at me now.. amz7 idk :|

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If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

A roofless black bentley, or a purple range rover :'

Pretty, classy, gorgeous inside out and respectful!

Aww thankyou<3<3 this made my day :')! Im pretty sure that you're even more gorgeous<3

أصبحناوأصبح الملك لله والحمدلله لاإله إلاالله وحده لاشريك له.له الملك وله الحمدوهو ع كل شي قديرربي أسألك خيرمافي هذاليوم وخيرمابعده وأعوذبك من شرمافي هذااليوم وشرمابعده ربي أعوذبك من العجزوالكسل وسوءالكبرربي أعوذبك من عذاب في الناروعذاب في القبر,اللهم بك أصبحناوبك أمسيناوبك نحياوبك نموت وإليك النشور

ethker allah ythkrk
Jazak allah 5air :*

you need my twitter name? what for? ..... I was kidding when I asked for credit :)

I just wanted to follow an interesting person like you ;p

you're tweeting the lyrics of the song that I just gave you ... at least give me some credit :$

LOL I did tweet a line that I loved :p!, whats your twitter name?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncaSBkiv5Ko You're welcome this is from his latest mixtape No genre, google it, really good stuff and better than his official album in my opinion Airplanes pt2 is my fav. you like eminem?? and I hated price tag he wasnt at his best

I loved the song the lyrics was strong, yea I like some of eminem's songs, I will google it now nd btw I listend to tha song while tweeting then took a shower thats why I didn't answer your question lol ;p

So no love for B.O.B? give him a try he's really great

I know airplanes, magic, price tag, and NOTHING ON YOU<3<3<3

thought girls care about the looks, the voice, the .... etc :PP .. anyways can you name other rappers you like ?

I like how wayne looks and i love his voice ;x , sure!
Snoop dogg,and Drake, kanye west, wiz khalifa, kid cudi, pharrell, ludacris sometimes and dj khaled C:

saudi girl who likes lil wayne .. didn't see that coming ...

Why not :c? Lil wayne is a great rapper and he has alot of saudi fans most of them are guys.. anyways yea he has saudi fans!


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