
Ebba Amalia Hansson

Who was your first crush? Describe them.

Hah. That's in the past, and it's a grave I do not want to dig up. Sorry, but not gonna go into that. Let's just say my first crush was a horrible experience, and I'm over that now.

Latest answers from Ebba Amalia Hansson

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Eat! No question about it. I hate being hungry, but I can stand being awake a little longer and I can definitely stand being gross.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

There's nothing to say cx What I think is obvious and I feel no need to preach about it cause to me it's not as much of an issue in the world anymore c: (Homophobia I mean.) Just like it feels pointless preaching about how you're worth the same whether you're black or white etc - it just feels stupid because OBVIOUSLY you are. We should be past that time period, we shouldn't have to explain that ;w; It's a disgrace if we have to.

What are your favorite junk foods?

French fries, onion rings, Mc'Donalds burgers. That's the shit I like the most I think xD

If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

Probably Spanish. I know the basics but I've forgotten most of it, and it'd be really useful to know. I /want/ to know it, I'm just too lazy to study.

Which do you choose truth or dare?

Truth. I value being honest, but I'm a wimp that doesn't like just doing spontaneous pointless stuff, like kissing a random person or dancing in my underwear, so the choice for me is easy.

Language: English