
Ebba Amalia Hansson

Which sandwich topping would you be and why?

Hm. This was hard, but I would probably be lettuce or something like that. Not many people want me on their sandwich - not necessarily because they don't like me, but maybe they just don't think about adding me to their sandwich, or they don't really see the point. And when I'm actually on someone's sandwich, I'm not really noticed, cause I don't taste much. Not as much as the other toppings, at least.
(Yes, I am a very poetic person and I'm not even embarrassed by this answer. It fits.)

Latest answers from Ebba Amalia Hansson

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Eat! No question about it. I hate being hungry, but I can stand being awake a little longer and I can definitely stand being gross.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

There's nothing to say cx What I think is obvious and I feel no need to preach about it cause to me it's not as much of an issue in the world anymore c: (Homophobia I mean.) Just like it feels pointless preaching about how you're worth the same whether you're black or white etc - it just feels stupid because OBVIOUSLY you are. We should be past that time period, we shouldn't have to explain that ;w; It's a disgrace if we have to.

What are your favorite junk foods?

French fries, onion rings, Mc'Donalds burgers. That's the shit I like the most I think xD

If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

Probably Spanish. I know the basics but I've forgotten most of it, and it'd be really useful to know. I /want/ to know it, I'm just too lazy to study.

Which do you choose truth or dare?

Truth. I value being honest, but I'm a wimp that doesn't like just doing spontaneous pointless stuff, like kissing a random person or dancing in my underwear, so the choice for me is easy.

Language: English