
Ebba Amalia Hansson

Ask @Sezzas

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@eringilfoy asks, "What are some of your guilty pleasures?"

Whipped cream, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, smutty fanfiction, touching people's braids, fantasizing about meeting Mr. Right or youtubers I like and becoming either a love interest or their best friend.

@shandude asks, "What's your favorite animal and why?”

The tiger. I don't know why that specific species is so special to me, but I just find them so majestic and beautiful. I am just so fascinated by them and can't keep my eyes off them.
Horse is a close second though. I've been around horses more than tigers and they mean a lot to me. I just seem to connect with horses quite easily.

Who was your first crush? Describe them.

Hah. That's in the past, and it's a grave I do not want to dig up. Sorry, but not gonna go into that. Let's just say my first crush was a horrible experience, and I'm over that now.

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Are you heterosexual? Just curious :)

I'm still figuring out my sexuality, being single all my life and all that. But as of now, I think I'm Bisexual Heteroromantic, which means I'm attracted to both genders, but only romantically to males. This because I have yet to develop feelings for a girl, and I don't see that happening anytime soon, but who knows. I'm very open~

Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

My personality is an optimistic girl. Of course I have grumpy days like everyone else, but in general I have always been the girl with a wide smile on her face, trying to keep seeing things positive. I can't say things are like that right now, but I know that if I am myself and healthy, that is who I should be.

Opinions on Azteca? I heard she was mean and stuck up :\ this is from chicken smoothie btw

Dunno why I didn't see this until today.
I think Azteca is lovely and kind. I don't know her super well but I've talked to her sometimes and so far I haven't really seen anything but a nice girl. So I find it interesting someone said that, tbh, cause that's not the first impression I got of her :)
Liked by: Pheobe

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

Drive myself! I don't freakin' trust a self-driving car xD

How do you prefer to travel?

Depends. I really like trains, but in the end I think travelling by car is my favorite (at least if it's with your family). I just find it a little uncomfortable in trains, there are pointy corners everywhere and ew.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I wish I had more drive to make things happen. I'm often a little too lazy.

What is your favourite organ?

That's an odd question xD I guess the heart because it keeps us alive? And it is the source for many of our emotions and yeah, idk. What can beat our heart really? (Just realized that was a pun.. Not intended, I promise xD)
Liked by: Anna Björnberg

If you could change 1 thing about the world what would it be?

If I could only choose one thing? Man.. Just.. That people would be more open-minded and accepting to what's different and unknown. Not judge something until you fully know what you're judging.
Liked by: Anna Björnberg

What kind of stuff do you do with the school horse? Like do you just school or do you do shows and events?

I've never competed before so no shows and events for now, just regular lessons for an instructor.

What is the meaning of life?

I'm still trying to figure that out myself. But to explore, be happy, live your dream, be brave, experience things you've never experienced before.
Liked by: Anna Björnberg

do you like cupcakes?

I guess? I've never really eaten an offical cupcake except for like, twice. It's yummy xD But a little too much for me to handle.

If unicorns existed, would you get one?

If they weren't super dangerous and were domesticated like horses, then heck yeah.

Ahhh your horse looks gorgeous but I can't see much from the photo! Can you tell me a bit about him/her? c:

Ah, it's not my horse, unfortunately x3 It's my favorite at the stables I take lessons at. Her name is Beauty and she's a mix between Norwegian Fjord, New Forest and Arabian. She's an absolute joy to ride and a little butt.

It's Saturday! What are you doing today?

Going to the stables first thing at 8 in the morning to have my riding lesson <3 Then after that, I have no idea.

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

Following your own dreams. Duh. It's your life, not theirs.

Language: English