
Shakir Zufayri

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takmo nak step faham dengan orang lain nya situation..fkboy

Skrg siape yg boy? Kau brani berbual pat ask.fm je? asl tak face to face? Boy uh prangai..??HAHAHAHAHA

uhuh sia buah goyang ah.. nak kencing pun susah uh.. senpai y so fierce dun likethis gi isap puting la

Hahahahahaha patut la

Fui fierce ah ni boi.. tk sanggup ah nak unanon kau fierce sangat? Abang Shakir semakin fierce ah adik takut2

Asl buah dah goyang pe boii

eee pandai je kutuk org padahal sendiri perangai bobehchao.. step mane nye besar je ni mamat.. bodoh nya kambing

Siape org tu? Kau ke? Kesian pe....ckp org sendiri pon same kalau ader konek unanon la sial

likers get tbh: tbh you're hot and dont let the anons bring you down ! its just a fucking piercing hehe and it looks nice too

afiq ☁
Thx bro?

Step la kau pierce2 telinga.. nak step pailang je.. step gengster tahap maksima..

So abeh asl? Kau ader buah kau unanon uh! Asl buah dah drop boii?

hi anon. first of all, you don't have the right to stop people from talking to each other or concern about each other. & please , its a fasting month my dear , good vibes. ☺️☁️ if youre not a coward , come talk to me. tell me who you are. hope you read this anon. ?

?awww thank you!?


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