
Shambhawi Mishra

Ask @ShambhawiMishra

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Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

I don't think so. People themselves slaughter animals and they are ok with it. I don't think glass walls would be of any use.

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

How to find peace with your own self.

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do class 12 results matter?

To be successful it doesn't matter but to take admission into few universities, it does matter. ?

boy on bullet / avenger?In black/white shirt?With beard /shaved?Have iphone/other phone

Black Shirt
With beard but not too much of it
Any phone
Liked by: Noman

Life is not qualified by the brand clothes you wear,but It is measured by the number of faces who smile when they hear your name.Stay Happy

True ??

Is there a documentary or book that really changed the way you thought about something?

Few days back during my exams I saw a documentary on World War 2. I was shocked too see how people were killed, thousands of dead bodies piled up as garbages. That made me realize the extent to which humanity is lost.
Liked by: Arvind Garg

jitne log apne ko pakistani btare h @askfm pe utni to pakistan ki population bi na hogi what do u think

Kyun nahi hoskti bhai? And voh pakistan se hain toh Pakistani hi bolenge na khud ko? Why are you having so much problem because of it?


Language: English