
S H A N I C E X ♥ O

Do my thoughts? :D

♡ Emma Courtney ♡
I think that we need to hang way more often my girl so we can talk and have dmc's and rant about boys like the old days :b I like how you've been my main from day one, we met at the beginning of year nine then boom we were bestfriends just like that. You're the best person ever for advice, you always know what to say when someone is down and all that kinda good stuff. I love you sooo much for always being there for me, you pretty much know me inside and out! You're my pretty husband who always get's the boys, pulling guys from way back when ;) hahaha! But yeah ily ily ily♥
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Latest answers from S H A N I C E X ♥ O

thoughts on zhane? zhanaé? idk the short blonde girl hahaha xx

Aw I adore her, she's heaps of fun, such a cutie♥

Not even, without makeup ur still flawless. Jealous as!

Aw so sweet♥ Thank you c': Oh my god I have the worst skin without foundation and concealer hahaha I always have redness around my nose and cheeks, plus the worst dark circles of life, so don't be jealous xx

Allways see yous walking to da train station every morning when I get droped off not stalking u

Oooh okay :o

Is that youre sister that u allways walk with every morning

Omg :o Yeah... How do you know this?

Do u think youre attractive? I dont know wut u think but u really do :)

Haha I don't think I'm attractive at all! I have the same appeal as a brussel sprout tbh

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