
S H A N I C E X ♥ O

Ask @ShaniceThompson

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you must be a homewrecker asking others to chat you , sort your shit out with your boy & keep it to yourselves yeah. & yes my bf was in albany with me ! we aint like you and dean all over fb cause yous are ova

A homewrecker? When Dean and I weren't even together when I was asking for someone to chat to? I've only ever made one status about our break up, and that was because he made one first.. We'd been broken up ever since I made that status too so....? All our other problems that we'd ever had we kept them to ourselves -.- So I don't know what your point is tbh.

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trust issues :O trust me i have been there before it was hard fighting for our relationship but I made my boy feel like he was the only person in the world that I wanted ! now we have no crimes no problems , ur relationship was cute gurl :)

Good on you's. I'm glad that you and your boyfriend are going strong :) Me and Dean, We'd been through heaps during the time that we'd been together that no one even knows about.. It was just time for it to end I guess.. :/ Thanks though!

so u just broke up because of trust issues ?? ahahaha that is LAME

It's a a whole lot more than that... That's only one of the reasons.. I'd just rather not dive too much into the topic :/

you and dean need to get back together girl or else one of you will end up moving on and it will hurt trust me it has happened before !

Well that's just life. I don't plan or even want to get into another relationship anytime soon. My family, school, and my girls are my main focus from here on out.

dean loves you . he had everything about u two on his fb :O

I know he does :( I do too but it's better this way...

alot of people are wanting a bond like you and him ! we have seen yous practically all the time at south mall! & because yous were cutey pies omg ):

Aw :( Deans a great guy, you won't find anyone else as dedicated and persistent as he is tbh!.. ♥ I just prefer being alone for the time being..

im even sad that yous aint even together :( you and him should re-unite yous were one of the cutest couples on fb i was so jelly of yous two!

Cute ♥ Mmm idk.. At the moment I think that I'm happier when I'm single and doing my own thing tbh... :/ We're still close though and I still care about him heaps and heaps!

aww your and dean are cute tbh and he should be lucky to have you haters should honestly shut the f**k up their together for a reason and like eachother !! hope yous last forever tbh.. ily shanice take care <3

This is cute :') Thank you thank you ♥


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