
shannon jade

Ask @ShannonLove

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What is the most beautiful car?

white or pink cars are the beautifulest carssss no matter what make they are

If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it?

thats abit fookin evil, erm I'd drink my heart out tell eveyrone what they mean to me, get a gathering and have fun!!!

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

well my bestest friends are either hayley, beth or mollysmith but I have loads of close friends who I love to bits.

What do you think of tattoos?

I think they look nice on some people but I'm not too fond, only tatoos I'd have is my kids names and my grandads name.

How do women understand ‘romance’?

hm, it deprends because some girls love movies, pictures spend time together go for meals and al that shit and some girls dont like romance at all.

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

prefer been round people because if I'm not I get depressed and think things and feel lonely and get such a shit feeling.

Is there anything you see that no one else notices?

yes alot of things I can spot out that no one else can.

What makes you angry?

jealousy makes me angry, arguing makes me angry, people who dirty look me makes me angry people who slag me off makes me angry.. alot of other things make me angry I have a short temper.

What is happiness for you?

A dad that I can actually get on with and my grandad back thats only happienss I need because the two main men in my life as either died or I just dont get along with.


Language: English