

Latest answers from Shappi

Are you dating anyone?

Depends on your definition of dating. I'm enjoying a few flings here and there. :) I'm loved. I'm happy.

Do you ever wish you had a button that would turn off the internet for all of the creepers who believe that your public existence entitles them to friendship - or more?

They have a right to exist on this earth.
I have a right to block and protect myself.

Sometimes I worry hearing you talk about applying for jobs (yay!), but then doing things like posting cleavage shots on your Twitter. :( Are you aware that may be potentially hurting your chances for employment by posting those sorts of things? -From a Concerned Friend

Your concerns are heard, but I'm aware of what I'm doing, thanks! And besides, I'd think any potential employer would be more concerned with the panty discussions or other dirty shit I talk about on occasion.

Language: English