
Shauna ButterCup Garrard

Ask @ShaunaGarrard

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What do you think of layla?

For the past 6 years now, she has to be the most amazing person going, she knows me inside out and for everything we've been through, we've became stronger as not friends but best friends..
She is my rock..
She deserves every bit of happiness
I never met anyone like her at all, we are partners in crime when it comes to people we don't like haha!
I can honestly say, she is one of the best things that has happened to me...
We both have ups and downs but don't regret any of it, because we wouldn't be who we are today..
Love the girl to bits!
Liked by: Layla Kinch

I thought you hate Katie?

I don't hate her but thanks to all the shit that has been caused with me her and Layla, we are all talking haha! Backfired on you didn't it?
Don't ever try and get someone in shit for nothing ( Making up lies) because like I said it backfired:)

whatevers going on your stronger than the weak hoe putting you down! they ain't worth your time sweety *hugs* <3 xx

Thankyou Hollie xx

Whoever is writing on Shaunas ask.fm are sick in the head, saying stuff about her nan you are bang out of order, how would you like it if someone was writing on your ask.fm about your nan that's past away you are a nasty piece of work, Shauna chin up darling your nan will be proud of you, ily x

Sian amy❤
Thankyou sain, love you❤️x
Liked by: Sian amy❤


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