
Shauna Louise

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Ha you can all suck on my left testicle BITCHES. I love you Shaunyeggypoo <3

lmaoooo shauneyeggpoo really? ahahahhahahhaha<3

By my side :) she's amazing, perfect, beautiful and definitely not fat or a slag so fuck off hiding behind a screen you cretins. If you have a problem stop being a pussy and come off anon or say it to mine or Shauna's face because I can guarantee you that we will kill you :D

yay i love you princess<3

What is this madness?! Shauna is not a "bad friend" at all, in fact she is the only friend I have ever had who's stuck by me through everything and never gave up on me or got tired of hearing my shit & constant moaning, I'm forever grateful for what she has done for me and how far I've come with her


your realy fat and disgusting you always will be , get lookin for a chubby chaser hun theyre only ones wholl want you and theyre usually mingin like you

if im that "mingin" then why are you looking at me? im not exactly forcing you too am i. do i look like i give a fuck about what you think about mee? paha cunt.

she tried to commit last night, and all you could say was she's out of order, selfish, needs mental help. no wonder your "best friend" is so fucked up, wow you're awfull.

no i said she was out of order for what she said to me. i never said she was selfish and i never said she needed mental help. she says herself she needs mental help so fuck off

as well as hers, your both doing nothings about it and i think if she wont then you will because its obvious her parents don't know or she'd be getting better help by now.

are you still here?

you ass lick demi pitkin crazy amounts god knoes why though cause shes a mingin attention seekin freak

mmmm demis bum

you treat zoe like shit, getting demi on her when you know full w

hahaha yeah i treat zoe like shit im such a bad friend! i do nothing for her. i dont try with her and she would probs be calmer if i was out of her life but she is stuck with me so she can deal with it. bitchezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Liked by: Kyle spenillo

hey i follow you , follow back? also i am sending a fansign or a gift (on your choice) to everyone that likes 50 of my answers , message me when done :) xxx



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