

Ask @ShawrtyMane

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Well... you won't let me take you on a date... you can't tell me your favorite color... hmmm... answer me this at least... Will you forever uphold the word of God and stay righteous in everything you do? If so, that's mad respect coming your way... lol at some of the other questions on here though

Well I'm definitely not perfect, but I will try my everything to. Thank you..who are you?..but I know people are just too much.

Darn... well I guess I missed my opportunity... so I guess I should ask a real question... hmmmmmm... what's your favorite color I guess?

You guess a lot.. Ahahah, but idk tbh

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I didn't say I wanted to fuck you! I wanna make love to you! I think we could have a good thing goin here!

k have a nice day

Can I take you on a date? Or you just come to my house and we cuddle and watch a movie? Oh and I'll play with your hair and feed you chocolate?

Sounds nice but no

I'm sorry... I knew one I said what I've said it was over forever... I'm not trying to get you back or anything but I want you to know that you are an amazing person, you are beyond beautiful... Idk if this means anything but your husband is gonna be a lucky man... you didn't deserve what I did to u

Who are you

So I know it's been like a year... but we used to have a thing... we used to like each other and when we got close to dating I kinda shut it off cuz I still had feelings for another girl... you felt very played... you were so upset and mad... ever since that day I've regretted it


lol so what is your opinion of foot fetishes? and if a guy told you that you had nice feet, it wouldn't be that odd right? lol

No not really id take it as a compliment because then what if someone said you got some ugly feet you'd feel offended right?

lol so how did you ever hear of foot fetishes? and they aren't that uncommon lol

Some show where they explain weird obsessions I think


Language: English