
Shumaa Ali

Ask @Shayma2Ali

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I think that your major is hard and complex even if I study it in my primary language. However, I believe that when someone loves something, he/she will certainly excel at it. Do you agree with me ?

Of course ..who wouldn't ? There's nothing hard for the most complex creatures in the whole world .
Liked by: Ghad.

كل عام وأنتي بألف خير وينعاد علينا وعليك بالخير واليمن والبركات عيدك مبارك ي حلو  ..

etooalfraido’s Profile Photoeithar
وانتي بخير ياقلبي علينا وعليك بالصحه والعافيه ❤️
Liked by: Ghad. eithar

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What !! I can't understand you ...sorry


Language: English