

Ask @ShuQiiiElla

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what if the scholarship provider only decides to give u a scholarship locally instead of overseas..will u change course or will u just go overseas and pay for the fees urself? just curious :))

haha if I could I would but I cannot afford it. so we'll just see how things go :)

all the best! hope you get ittt

not gna get my hopes up too high though it means a lot to me, but in any case tqsm kind soul!!! hope you had a great day too :)

have u applied/gotten a place for physio in aussie? as a back up plan or something? :)

nope! because that depends on whether I'll get a scholarship......and scholarships for overseas aren't easy to get.......but if I don't get SIT I will apply, if I'm able to get an overseas scholarship :) I don't think it's a must to have been accepted by a school prior to the scholarship interview :)

hii hows the interview! (:

haha who's this are you interested in PT too! if you are feel free to dm me alright :)) but it was hard! feeling rather uneasy but I'll just hope for the best

why tmr? isnt ur interview next week haha :)

ohmy I just realized HAHA nope SIT interview is tmr, I have a scholarship interview next week oops :)

woahhh thats alot of ppl!!! are u preparing for ur interview? :)

yup prepping a little bit, whatever I can :) tho MMI can't rly prepare honestly HAHA, rly depends on what the stations are, will find out tmr :)

do you know what are the chances of getting in? how many do they accept? good luckkkk!! :))

last year there were about 1000 applicants who applied for PT as first choice, but only 100 were accepted! this year's intake is 140 but from what I see definitely a lot more people applied as well, so probably equally competitive if not more. thank you!!! all the best to you too in whatever you're doing :)

SIT physio requires interview?? is there alot of ppl applying for it?

yes it does! quite intense, it's MMI style :) believe me there are ALOT of people applying haha. I'd say it's easily one of the most competitive allied health courses, and their intake is rly small

what are your reservations!

mostly friends and family, and being so completely alone is a lot harder than anyone can imagine till they actually experience it I think.........once you go there's no turning back too because it's a bond. but then again the scholarship's rly rly hard to get so I guess I'll just see if they deem me fit, and see where life takes me :)

would recommend going to Australia! apply for a healthcare scholarship and go. honestly opens doors when you're back, and being overseas opens your mind too :) jiayou!

I'll think about it!!! thank you for your advice :) I agree with it completely haha but I also have reservations so I shan't rush into a decision yet! have a wonderful day :))

which school?

I'm debating between SIT (it's the only local institution offering the degree course haha it's not an established uni) and Australian unis :) still undecided, but giving it a lot of serious thought right now.......if you have any advices it'd be v much welcomed HAHA

are u interested in medicine?

nope. a lot of people ask me why i don't want to do it, I honestly believe that medicine is one of those courses that you should only pursue if you really really feel a strong passion for it. something much deeper than just a fleeting interest :) physiotherapy is also healthcare, but it draws me for the nature of the job as well as the knowledge foundations behind the profession :)
Liked by: jiajing


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