

Ask @Siaannnnnn

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Yeah and we are serious. Surely you remember slagging us off. You can't expect to get away with it.

What have I said about you then?

No we won't leave her, once she's been a bitch to us, we're a bitch back. She needs to learn not to mess with us...hahahahahah

Hahahah, soz for messing with you pal

fuck off having a go at Sian. Sian is a genuine nice lass and dont deserve any of the bullishit your're giving her . hope you're okay Sian :) xxxx

Thank you, and I'm fine anyway thanks xxx

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She's a stuck up bitch though, believes she's popular when we all think she's pathetic. Also she will look a right twat with a brace. so Ha!

I really don't believe I'm popular at all, I know most people don't like, for no reason tho

No, you keep over your side, or we will start hang round your area..or is it that boring you have to come down ours, now Piss Off!!!!

You can come 'hang' outside my house if you really wanted to, I wouldn't care less

Oh shut up twat head and stay away from Foxwood, get back over to your crappy end of Acomb

I'll go where I want thanks

seriously though what was up with ya, you looked a right minging mess....just saying. Sort it OUT !

Seriously tho, I wasn't even in York or out that day lel

that just makes you look pathetic, but crack on, love...haha...you'll always be a div

You're the one who is pathetic, div

You're not even smart enough to come back with anything intuitive

You're not even smart enough to come back with anything intuitive

You just repeat back the same thing, how lame, you're deffo a div

You just repeat back the same thing, how lame, you're deffo a div

You're a right div, trying to sound all clever on comebacks, we all know you're just an idiot.

I'm a top class idiot me, you div lel

Lel, what even the fuck is that. Still thinking you're cool or summit... just piss off yeah...lel

What the fuck are you? Lel

Still think you're the best? Yh whateverrr, going round thinking all girls wanna ne you... err. No, not likely. Stuck up cow!

Don't be jel, be reem


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